By Sean Smyth...
Seem's like this show is really starting to kick up it's boots and rally hard in the fifth episode. Bout Time...
Some minor spoilers:
Congratulations to True Blood for finally keeping my attention through the whole episode. I usually find myself typing away on my computer or searching the web in and out with anything that had to do with Sookie or Terry, or Jason, or even Lafayette, my favorite character.
Let's Boot and Rally kicks it off with Bill and Eric (who's stake vest things are now armed) reinserting themselves back into Sookie's life whether she likes it or not to ask her to help find Russell Edgington for the Authority. Sookie continues to be whiney and as annoying as ever at least in the opening, but she is supposed to be drunk so it can be somewhat forgettable. Though when she says and I may be paraphrasing, "...Vampires want to eat me? Must be Thursday," was especially annoying.
Alcide takes Bill, Eric, and Sookie to their only lead, Doug, a construction foremen. You may remember him from the season four finale when he had no idea what happened or how the big hole in the pavement came about. Well Sookie uses her fairy powers and helps Doug remember what happened that day and where Russell went. As far as a Sookie powered story it wasn't half bad probably because she was actually of some use.
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What's that smell? |
From there we got Jason struggling with this new knowledge of his parents being killed by Vampires, and has a series of visions involving his parents bleeding from neck wounds or just dead at crime scenes. Overall it was nice seeing Jason in a competent setting rather than running around trying to make the sex for no reason or having some kind of mental crises seeing his old teacher at a store. I'm really interested to see where he takes this discovery about his parents and how this new "Supers" killing spree affects Bon Temp.
Back at the Authority, people are kind of moseying around and and Ronan our high and mighty chancellor is upset about his betrayals within his inner circle as an his right hand lady, who's name escapes me (which isn't good since I should know this), seemingly is trying to manipulate everything.
Then there was Terry and Patrick off galavanting, trying to stop something and having some recalled memories in flashback mode, which frankly hurts my. Terry learns that the fire last season may have been something more than a fire. While Patrick doesn't believe a word of anything and just thinks their old army buddy went off his rocker and are killing old squad mates. I have to note the resemblance of this part of the story to Supernatural's Sam and Dean. I mean it's pretty much the same concept and I'm not sure where it's going but I hope it connects back to some other stories soon because it was interesting this episode but I have no idea where they are going to take it. What am I saying, this is True Blood. They're probably going give up on it mid season and do something else instead.
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Is it racist to choke your Black Vampire Kin? |
Tara on the other hand is possibly the best thing this show has going for it at the moment. Watching her be mentored and accepted by Pam, who seems kind of attracted to Tara in some way, really shows character growth in both these former enemies. Pam is really taking her Maker duties to heart accept if it involves her beloved bar. Tara also has a pretty meaningful heart to heart about killing people with Jessica who explains she wants to be friends and understands Tara's pain. It was probably one of my favorite scenes, well minus the slow motion intercut monolog cutscene that goes between each and every character in the story which is both weird, amazing, heart wrenching and awesome.
Let's Boot and Rally, I'll never understand why they name their episodes after song titles, pushes many stories forward and has great new developments that can have a relatively awesome turn of events and an all out war. Who knows maybe even a few main character demises! A girl can hope! So I'm throwing this episode of True Blood a 4 out of 5 in comparison to the season thus far. And with Russell finally back in the picture, my favorite villain, we may have the makings of a somewhat decent season. I keep watching hoping for it to get better, and finally it happens. Heres to hoping they keep things rolling. Oh, and Sam was there too, but I mean he had nothing really to do accept talk about his two dead friends who were shot in the head last week and confirm they were shifters.
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