This show pretty much makes fun of everything that has every talked about a hospital. One of the woman in the show walks around like J.D in Scrubs and is constantly thinking about life and death and it's so clique and pointless that it's drawn out into pretty much every episode. She doesn't really do any actual work in the hospital unless it has to do with drama in the workplace. Scrubs is definitely a focus of satire since it started the wave of comedy in the workplace. Yeah it's been done way before Scrubs but Scrubs is new for our generation.
Childrens Hospital also doesn't have anything to do with medicine unless it's funny. Is giving a six year old a vasectomy funny? Very because he has advancing aging disease that is really rare. Is killing kids always funny? Usually and this show doesn't miss a beat. Rob Corddry plays a character that tries to heal all of his patients with laughter. He wears clown face paint and a smock with blood all over it because you can't cure anyone with laughter. A comedian making fun of their own profession and it's objective uselessness. Gotta love that Satire. And people who are willing to make fun of their profession in their late 30's. I thought that was only meant for us post-grads without jobs.
Doesn't alternative comedy rule? It's funny because you have to decipher the difference between low bro comedy and high brow comedy. Are they really this smart or are these just poking fun at everything or are they poking fun at me? Jeez sometimes it can be a mind twist trying to figure out what is going on. But they make fun of this too esepcially with shows like Dallas and soap operas that make no sense, and come from anywhere even dreams. Rob Corddry makes a joke of this by having an episode where Childrens Hospital stems from a midget Puerto Rican doctors fart. IS this too much? Could be if they didn't have a sit down with the director and producer talking about why this is so artsy and creative.
-Funny on many spectrums of hilarious
-Good cast
-Makes you realize that television is usually nothing but entertainment.
-Episodes will have intricate plot points that are never brought up again thus providing entertainment without running with an idea for too long
-includes children in the episodes
-Web series are confusing still.
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